Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Something is Very Wrong With Me...

I did it.  I frogged it.  I frogged the damned Frock Camisole.
Allow me to share two comments on this project from my Ravelry Project Page:
9/29/2008: ...This will be the first garment I knit that I won't frog, I swear! (For some reason, I knit tops, then frog them, a habit that stops here)...
10/28/2008: ...I am not sure why I am so darn determined not to frog this thing-- as I mentioned above, I have frogged whole tops just for not liking the drape!  I think it's the symbolic meaning of this top, which makes me feel-- contrary to what I normally feel when I have a mistake in my knitting-- very strong.  I am liking this idea of incorporating a "mistake" into the design of my work, instead of freaking out over one inconsistent stitch in that lovely seed stitch tank I made two years ago, which is now re-balled into a million balls of Lamb's Pride in my stash basket...
I suck.  This top, as these comments hint at, was supposed to be symbolic of starting anew, accepting the mistakes I make, and being at peace with them.  Nope.  No such luck.  It wasn't even just the mistakes with this top (there weren't even that many, just a change in the pattern).  After taking a break for some other knits, including my Christmas knits, I picked this top back up, and was just so frustrated and in such a funk, I decided to be done with it.  And now I am-- and I have a huge ball of 30% acrylic/70% cotton hanging out on top of my dresser, staring at me as I put my pajamas on, being like, "What, fool?  What now?"  
I don't know, yarn.  I just don't know.


Unknown said...

Calmly reassure the yarn that you will be back. Just on a more promising day...

sarah marie p said...

I think you need to show that yarn who's boss!

Emily said...

Wow. You and I are totally opposite with regard to frogging. I only frog when something is really bad and it's usually done with tears streaming down my face.